Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Never Ending Problem of Greed Essay Sample free essay sample
Mankind is set on a way leaded towards the devastation of its ain sort. The Earth will last. it has survived 10. 000 * ( all of today’s atomic power ) when the KT Event Occurred. The KT event is the same event that led to the death of non-avian dinosaurs. it consisted of a big asteroid doing direct contact with the Earth about 65 million old ages ago. The root cause of the job seems to be a ceaseless greed in â€Å"advancement†. Do non confound this â€Å"advancement†with development in any manner. Development is officially defined as a alteration in allele frequence of a population ( individual species ) over clip. â€Å"Advancement†on the other manus is officially vague but one can presume its definition to be â€Å"a desire towards the materialistic and an wild impulse to consume†. We can interrupt this sentence up in to two parts. â€Å"a desire towards the materialistic†. what I mean by this sentence refers to the turning desire for people to get stuff. It could be anything. from things that are required to things of highly random nature and no usage. The 2nd portion. â€Å"an untamed impulse to consume†. what is being consumed? Well. everything and anything. Consumables include anything from services to anything comestible. smoke-able. injectable etc. The desire to devour is turning exponentially. much faster than what the Earth can recycle ( the whole issue about planetary heating ) . The medium to ease this promotion is money. In today’s universe. money is evidently needed. but 1s perspective towards it must alter. It should be seen as a manner to fulfill â€Å"needs†non infinite â€Å"wants†. One person should non bask everything while another is deceasing of thirst ; the aggregation of wealth in the custodies of a few seems to crush the intent of the endurance of the whole species. After all. we are a societal species ; taking attention of others entitles us to mutual selflessness from other persons from our species. Yes. money can purchase you services that aid you in your endurance but an self less universe would be a universe in which creativeness is non bound by socio-economic restraints. scientific discipline is non bound by the close-minded and spiritualty is non bound by faith. one will non hold to worry approximately many things that cause us stress today. One might reason that this is nil but simple Darwinism. merely development. taking topographic point. After all. doesn’t it all come down to the endurance of the fittest? My reply is no. At our phase. natural choice is no longer taking topographic point and the statement of â€Å"survival of the fittest†does non use. as it is a construct of natural choice. If natural choice is non moving on us so evidently that construct does non keep. However. natural choice is moving on a minute graduated table. fundamentally on persons who die before they reproduce. It is still non the same as â€Å"survival of the fittest†. The other evolutionary forces nevertheless are still moving. Mutation. the kernel and root of development is happening invariably along with familial impetus. Besides. nonrandom coupling is taking topographic point but without natural choice the features that would hold been favored of course by development ( viz. by sexual choice ) for our species. viz. intelligence and selfless behaviour. have been replaced by superficial features such as being economically rich. or being fine-looking ( although a physically fit person is seen as a good investing since the physical visual aspect is a mark that the person is healthy and will be more efficient in footings of geting resources. fending off enemies and raring the immature ) . the â€Å"good-looking†I am mentioning to is what is portrayed by the popular media. a wholly inaccurate and unrealistic image. Coming back to the point and turn toing the issue in an informal manner. one can state that what all this comes down to is the fact that nonrandom coupling is taking topographic point but the allelomorphs for all the incorrect traits are increasing in frequence. More and more hurtful mut ants ( harmful mutants ) are happening and this fact is due to the unhealthy life style and delusional beliefs that mankind holds. Religion and â€Å"god†. These are the two large subscribers to chaos in today’s clip. Worlds seem to make a package of jobs when it comes to religion. What is faith? Religion in my head is a belief towards the individuality and instructions of the â€Å"creator†and the procedures and events that took topographic point during Creation. Firstly. I must turn to the issue of the literature that is contained in different faiths. Note. there are many similarities in all the faiths that exist today and this can be explained by a simple fact that the texts are a description of events that they could non be described any more accurately than they were due to miss of cognition. Some of the narratives and myths are merely that. narratives and myths. Some alleged faiths. such as Hinduism. Buddhism and few others. are non religion but philosophical and religious instructions. a manner of life or perceptual experience but others may be description of events that took topogr aphic point in the yesteryear that were indefinable so. but what could these events be? They could be many things. things every bit simple as an effort to understand nature and how it works. or it could be a description of foreigners or anything else. that is are unimportant. The of import thing here is that we must non take them literally and decidedly non in a manner that puts logic and ground on the back place. The subject of God is complicated. God can intend many things. It can intend the â€Å"super -conscious †of the whole existence ; it can intend a being from a higher dimension. could be an foreigner. to an early-man it could intend an aeroplane. If you notice I have non included the most celebrated word picture of God. as a human-like figure with the capacity to interrupt the Torahs of the natural philosophies. Well. isn’t this word picture a small spot egoistic? If you have the thought of merely how monolithic the existence is and merely how little a human is. so you know that this construct is flawed. Why would. god. the all-powerful Godhead of the whole existence. take the signifier of one puny species on a bantam bluish planet go arounding around an highly mean star in one of the 500 billion galaxies? Obviously the ground behi nd why people depict Gods like a human being is because they lack imaginativeness! It is that simple. God. harmonizing to me. is non merely one being. God is the corporate scruples of every perceiver ( life-form ) in the existence. Not merely the life signifiers. but besides the scruples of every individual sub-atomic atom. It may sound bogus. how can a inanimate atom have a scruples? Well. the reply to that inquiry lies in another inquiry: what is a life being made off? Every life being is made out of separately inanimate atoms. which combine to do up proteins and DNA etc. which farther consequence in the formation of the cell. the cardinal unit of life. How can inanimate atoms combine to give rise to your scruples? If a aggregation of atoms in a peculiar combination and substitution is capable of sing consciousness ( an being ) . so is it impossible that the universe incorporating all of those agreements is besides capable of consciousness and self-awareness? Another manner to depict God would merely be a being from a higher dimension. Presently scientists assume the figure of dimensions in our existence to be 11 under threading theory. Why 11? ; Because any theory consisting of more than 11 dimensions prostrations. We are three-dimensional existences ( length. breadth A ; tallness ) . although we perceive 4 dimensions. the 4th being clip. we are able to travel freely in both waies of merely length. breadth and tallness but we merely move in one way when it comes to clip. frontward. If we were to comprehend a 2-dimesional universe. we would be able to see every corner and intersection of the plane while the two-dimensional being would be blind to us. If they were to see us between the cross-section of the plane. they would merely see a two-dimensional representation of us. Similarly. a 5th-dimensional being would be able to travel back and Forth in clip. see every individual cross-section of our three-dimensional plane at one time ( similar to the omnipotence of conventional God ) and would be able to execute impossible undertakings in our plane. A 6th-dimensional being would likewise be able to take the exact plac e on the timeline every bit good as the coveted timeline itself from all the possible timelines. Therefore. the conventional thought of God seems to be outdated in today’s age. The following job is the job of limited and depleting resources present on the Earth. Most of the resources we use. direct. such as firing fossil fuels. or indirect. such as electricity which is produced by utilizing radioactive elements such as Th and U that are taken from the Earth and are non-renewable. Although some energy beginnings such as solar energy. weave energy and natural gas are unlimited ; the engineering to tackle energy from these beginnings is still non efficient plenty to replace non-renewable beginnings of energy. This is the basic job that world is confronting today in footings on energy. Notice. this job is straight linked to the â€Å"advancement†. both the sentences are the cause of why resources are being used at an transcending rate. If one is to merely buy points that are needed or required and if one consumes without any waste. so this job can be slowed down drama tically. But this is non an efficient manner to command this job since it involves a alteration in something non-objective. something that can non be measured. the desires and attitudes of people. which are comparative for different persons. The best manner to cover with this job is nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is scientific discipline and technology taking topographic point on a microscopic graduated table. 1 nanometre ( nm ) is 10-6 times the breadth of a human hair. At such a little graduated table. the interactions are on an intermolecular footing. which means that the engineering is far more accurate and efficient. Nanotechnology can alter the universe ; in fact. it has the possible to alter the whole solar system in the hereafter. The inquiry you may be inquiring yourself may be that ; how can nanotechnology be the solution to our energy jobs? The reply is slightly close to â€Å"magic†. When one thinks of a prestidigitator. the ability to alter the construction of the atom in stantly comes to mind. One may hold seen unrecorded or through media that all prestidigitators try give the semblance of drawing out or vanishing affair from/in thin air severally. What are the demands needed to make this on a scientific footing? One has to be able to somehow alter the figure of sub-atomic atoms present in all surrounding atoms. viz. the protons and negatrons. For illustration. if I had the ability of a existent prestidigitator. and I was given a balloon filled with H gas ( H2 ) and I was given the undertaking to alter the H gas to Helium gas ( He ) . what would I need to make on an atomic graduated table? I would hold to alter the figure of negatrons and protons from 1 in H gas to 2 nowadays in He. Note that a batch is non understood about the even smaller atoms and their interactions therefore it is non this simple but in theory. if one had adequate cognition of the sub-atomic interactions. this can be achieved. The deductions of a machine that can alter affair from one component to another will be enormous. It would intend free and limitless energy for everyone. an equal and a wholly selfless civilisation is a possibility with this. One would simple inquire for what one wants. there would be no â€Å"need†to work or make anything! To avoid this and to guarantee a technological and evolutionary growing. scientists are decidedly required along with encouragement for latitudinarian and self-actualization. Mankind will hold smart plenty â€Å"building material†that would be able to clean. fix and construct all by itself via nanotechnology. In this universe. an important authorities would non be required and determinations sing scientific discipline would be left in the custodies of scientific discipline alternatively of jurisprudence.
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