Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Odyssey - Role of Women free essay sample
In spite of the fact that ladies involved a totally extraordinary situation in the public eye contrasted with men, they too held a specific range of authority and force; they basically applied it in manners that were particular from men’s methodologies. By watching the numerous female characters in The Odyssey, for instance; Penelope, Circe, and Calypso, we can comprehend that in those days ladies were mediocre compared to men yet they had power in that they had the option to attract men so rapidly and effectively (for instance alarms, they sing so delightfully that men get attracted from desire for these things with such beautifull voices, yet the alarms are executioners and they kill any man on a boat that passes), additionally they are depicted as being astute in The Odyssey, Athena’s appositive more often than not is â€Å"bright-peered toward Athena†which is depicting that as the godess of insight, even in camouflage, as coach and so forth. We will compose a custom paper test on The Odyssey Role of Women or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page , she despite everything has her brilliant shimmering eyes which depict her as a shrewd lady. This is the equivalent with Penelope as she is depicted as savvy all through the majority of The Odyssey. By looking at the character of Penelope, the spouse of Odysseus, one can see exactly how ladies applied their capacity and impact in The Odyssey and what exactly closes. Penelope utilizes shrewd tricky and sexual enchant to play with men’s feelings and to address her own issues while she is sitting tight for her better half to come back from fight. On one hand, she speaks to protective attributes moms in The Odyssey are viewed as the providers of pity and distress as opposed to genuine â€Å"supporters†of their children and spouses as far as military or individual journeys. Moms as observed all through The Odyssey are ladies needing backing and direction as they are feeble and delicate, without a consistent male hand to manage them, these ladies apppear to be lost and hopeless. in any case, she likewise has a portion of the qualities related with the temptresses found in The Odyssey, for example, Circe and Clytemnestra. Following the job of a mother figure, Penelope grieves her lost love, apparently negligent (from the start) to the considerations of the admirers. One significant job of ladies in The Odyssey is their jobs as enchantresses. When Odysseus’ team shows up on Circe’s island, they are pulled in to Circe’s house in view of the appealing voice of the delightful yet tremendous goddess. Homer depicts her as â€Å"singing in a sweet voice as she went all over an incredible structure on a loom, everlasting, for example, goddesses have, sensitive and dazzling and heavenly in their work. †(Book 10, Line 221) Odysseus’ men react to this by calling onto her and going into her home. The men’s want for Circe permits the goddess to misuse their shortcomings, stunt them, and mysteriously transform them into pig. Odysseus, just, with the assistance of a defensive medication and counsel gave by Hermes, goes to protect his men from Circe’s island. He adheres to Hermes’ definite directions and when the goddess endeavors to hit him with her blade, he jumps at her. Odysseus draws his blade and says, â€Å"Swear me an extraordinary pledge that there is no other insidiousness harmed you devise against me. †(Book 10 Line 344) Homer has Odysseus draw his blade as of now; maybe he expects to show how a woman’s bid and sexuality is a danger to male strength. Such associations among people add a specific dynamic to the epic and make it all the more intriguing and simpler for the peruser to relate to the story. Despite the fact that, Odysseus is wily and clever, commonly even he ends up lost when he is in these kinds of circumstances with enticing ladies. Odysseus was so captivated by Circe that he stayed on her island for a year, totally overlooking returning home until his men persuaded him to leave. One other second when we see the significance of sexual orientation in The Odyssey is during Odysseus’ seven-year remain with Calypso on her island. At the point when Odysseus transfers the narrative of Calypso, he changes the story somewhat to give the recognition that he was held detainee and deplored the whole time he was there. Notwithstanding, Homer gives us some knowledge when he says; â€Å"the sprite was done satisfying to him. †(Book 5, Line 153) which infers that eventually Odysseus enjoyed himself with the goddess on the island. Calypso offered him everlasting status and an existence of simplicity. At the point when Odysseus was depleted with this way of life and yearned for his better half and homecoming, Calypso attempted to utilize her wiles to persuade him to remain with her. She analyzes herself to Odysseus’ spouse Penelope saying, â€Å"I figure I can guarantee that I am not her second rate either in manufacture or height, since it isn't likely that human ladies can challenge the goddesses for construct and magnificence. †(Book 5, Line 211) When Odysseus despite everything aches to get back, Calypso compels him to remain on the island. This is against the beliefs of Homeric Greek ladies. Calypso diplays a predominant and manipulative side, which is another danger against male strength. Calypso’s capacity to obstruct Odysseus’ journey for a long time, implies the conviction that influential ladies can make peril. In this circumstance, Homer lets us know, if a lady doesn't acknowledge her place as an impuissant, she is probably going to back off or keep a man from arriving at his objectives. The Homeric Greek men consider ladies important however just to fulfill their physical needs. Zeus in the long run sends Hermes as a delegate to order Calypso to permit Odysseus to get back. Calypso grumbles that the divine beings are permitted to take mortal darlings while somebody generally meddles with the issues of the goddesses. Calypso whines about this twofold norm yet in the end meets Zeus’ demand. This is a phenomenal case of the male one-sided Homeric Greek society. This epic is dependant on the job of ladies. It is hard to totally pass judgment on the convictions about sexual orientation jobs in Greek culture dependent on The Odyssey. Now and again, the jobs and activities of ladies in this sonnet show the male jerk see, that they are objects of excellence and need to surrender to control and deceit to achieve an objective. There are different occasions when a woman’s quality and knowledge come through. Homer uses this exchange to make the epic all the more fascinating and builds up a basic topic of a clash of the genders.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Impact of Organizational Change Leadership and Organization Developmen
Question: Examine about the Impact of Organizational Change Leadership and Organization Development. Answer: Presentation The report shows a fruitful authoritative difference in an endeavor situated in Australia. It is seen that the association has seen an extreme hierarchical change that outcomes into an enormous change in the creation of the organization. In the cutting edge business world, it is said that the change is steady. Without receiving any change, an association can't continue in the serious business world. Rivalry isn't just as far as the efficiency yet in addition as far as representative relations just as other human asset characteristics. The contextual investigation of Holden organization is depicted here regarding improvement in the business execution. It tends to be said that the report will depict the utilization of the hypothetical structures so as to roll out the hierarchical improvement consistent inside the authoritative point of view. The following segment will portray about the contextual analysis in subtleties. It likewise examines the improvement in execution of the organizat ion, while coordinating the intensity in the market. Contextual investigation report The contextual investigation is about the General Motors Holden is a significant case regarding authoritative change. Authoritative change is an imperative factor that includes both the procedures of dealing with the change and treatment of the human issues of the organization at neighborhood level. Nonetheless, it very well may be seen that Australian market for vehicles is serious in nature (Anderson 2013). The organization has seen a significant misfortune in the deals of their vehicles when contrasted with the deals of other car organizations in the market. Aside from that, it very well may be said that organization is predominantly engaged into Australian market so as to cook the necessities of the Australian clients (van nook Heuvel et al. 2014). Holden is considered as the worldwide wholesaler and producer of motors, engine vehicles, segments of the vehicles and its various parts. General Motors and Holden comprehensively sees Australian market as an appropriate plan focal point of springboard and greatness that encourages them extending them into Asian markets (Benn et al. 2014). Be that as it may, it very well may be stated, the organization is confronting issues in growing their market in Asian nations as the organization needs the field of authority. It brings about numerous HR related issues, for example, feeble representative relations, absence of correspondence issue, more vulnerable innovative work office. It is seen that these issues has emerge because of unbending hierarchical culture (Volkoff and Strong 2013). Aside from that, it very well may be seen that diverse acts of the organization isn't so sufficient so they can alleviate the multifaceted issues of the organization. These are the issues and issues that are looked by Holden during the hour of seriousness in the market. It is called attention to that there is a need of hierarchical change in the organization for the improvement of the profitability of the organization (Cameron and Green 2015). The hypothetical structure of Lewins change the executives model is the fitting model in this setting to expel the obstructions from the brains of the representatives working in the organization. The model comprised of three stages, for example, unfreeze, change and refreeze. Unfreeze is the phase that includes separating the current business as usual of the procedure of activities. In this circumstance, it tends to be said that the various workers of the associations are not prepared to acknowledge the change that is proposed by the authority group of Holden (Robey et al. 2013). As far as execution of authority techniques, the organization has selected an administration group that comprises individuals with exceptionally mastery in initiative. In any case, it tends to be said that the pioneers are confronting numerous issues in speaking with the representatives while accomplishing the aftereffects of the new technique. In this specific circumstance, the change the executives model of Lewin is actualized so as to execute the techniques in the different operational divisions of the organization (Coghlan et al. 2015). The change is the second component of the model that is distinctive for the various components. The stage includes change of the psyches of the representatives who are at first doesn't bolster the effect of new culture in the association and the various styles of administration of participative authority and situational initiative (Vakola 2014). The third phase of the model is the refreeze. This stage includes the changed hierarchical culture in Holden. The stage interlocks all the parts of the necessary hierarchical change in the point of view of the workers. The senior administration of the organization acknowledges the proposed initiative technique of Holden in the point of view of the authority and relational abilities (Cameron and McNaughtan 2014). In any case, it tends to be said that the new initiative group will upgrade the business development alongside acknowledgment, accomplishment of results, and improvement of authority. Aside from that, another group of activity arranging workshop is additionally enrolled so as to build up an arrangement that would center the advancement of a typical picture in building a successful group working of the association alongside the recognizable proof of the zones of powerlessness and qualities inside the group (Carter et al. 2013). End The examination represents about the improvement of the representatives and the presentation of the organization in the Australian car advertise. A point by point examination of the contextual analysis had been directed. The official group of Holden or General Motors Holden are developing at a quick pace while executing the cutting edge advances alongside their capacity in the organization. Aside from that, it is seen that, Lewins change the executives model is applied so as to lessen the impact of the obstacles while actualizing the hierarchical change methodologies inside the different divisions of the organization. The ramifications of the hypothetical structure help in keeping up the adjustment in the association. It is seen that the organization has taken a correct choice in enrolling a group that will help in driving administration to the organization. The individual abilities of the individuals selected by the organization are liable for the improvement of the worker relations and efficiency all in all. The change is seen by the market that helps in achieving their business objectives. References Anderson, D.L., 2013.Organization turn of events: The way toward driving hierarchical change. Sage Publications. Benn, S., Dunphy, D. also, Griffiths, A., 2014.Organizational change for corporate maintainability. Routledge. Cameron, E. furthermore, Green, M., 2015.Making feeling of progress the board: a total manual for the models, apparatuses and procedures of authoritative change. Kogan Page Publishers. Cameron, K. what's more, McNaughtan, J., 2014. Positive hierarchical change.The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,50(4), pp.445-462. Carter, M.Z., Armenakis, A.A., Feild, H.S. what's more, Mossholder, K.W., 2013. Transformational initiative, relationship quality, and representative execution during nonstop gradual authoritative change.Journal of Organizational Behavior,34(7), pp.942-958. Coghlan, D., Rashford, N.S. what's more, de Figueiredo, J.N., 2015.Organizational change and procedure: An interlevel elements approach. Routledge. Robey, D., Anderson, C. what's more, Raymond, B., 2013. Data innovation, materiality, and hierarchical change: An expert odyssey.Journal of the Association for Information Systems,14(7), p.379. Vakola, M., 2014. What's in there for me? Singular availability to change and the apparent effect of authoritative change.Leadership Organization Development Journal,35(3), pp.195-209. van nook Heuvel, M., Demerouti, E. also, Bakker, A.B., 2014. How mental assets encourage adjustment to authoritative change.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,23(6), pp.847-858. Volkoff, O. also, Strong, D.M., 2013. Basic Realism and Affordances: Theorizing IT-Associated Organizational Change Processes.Mis Quarterly,37(3), pp.819-834.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Get Advice On Writing An Essay Using Psychology Graduate Entry Essay Samples
Get Advice On Writing An Essay Using Psychology Graduate Entry Essay SamplesPsychology graduate entry essay samples may help you prepare for your psychology graduate entry essay competitions. There are many things to consider when entering these competitions, so the best thing to do is to be prepared in advance. Make sure you have a good idea of what questions you will be answering and how to answer them effectively and in a way that will land you a high grade.Writing an essay on your own can be hard, but it can also be very intimidating. This is especially true if you haven't done this type of writing before. This can really test your ability to come up with good answers that are worthy of being called good.It can be very tempting to go with a writing service when you're preparing for your psychology entry essays. However, these services can take advantage of their knowledge of psychology and sell you on certain products or services. Many of the companies out there will try to get y ou to buy into their product, and you don't want to have to spend money on it later on. This is especially true when there are higher quality products to choose from.When you're looking for psychology graduate entry essays samples, try and find out what companies you are working with offer to customers. Some offer feedback services, where they will email you with topics they've completed for other customers. They will provide you with the same topics for free, and you can use this information to help you complete your own essays.Psychology graduate entry essays samples can help you decide which topics will be valuable to you. For example, you might find some topics are extremely tedious, while others are very easy to discuss. If you find yourself not being able to handle the more difficult topics, then you might want to reconsider doing the essay.Writing entries on subjects like relationships and child development will be much easier if you know what topics are commonly used. The ea sier the topic, the easier it will be to write. You may even find that you can write better if you go into the topic completely unprepared, because this will allow you to see the material without the clutter that can come from studying it for months beforehand.When you're first starting out in the world of psychology graduate entry essay samples, you should know that there are different approaches to each topic. Many of the writing sample options you'll find for entry essays will try to trick you into using a certain approach, so make sure you understand the difference before you start. This will give you a better chance of knowing exactly what to do when you have questions.Remember, the best approach when it comes to learning psychology entry essays is to prepare as much as possible ahead of time. This includes hiring a professional writing service, having a large list of sample topics, and having some specific questions you want to ask. This will all help you have a better chance of winning your entry essay competitions.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Role Of Emotions Of Memory And Learning - 2742 Words
Role of Emotions in Memory and Learning Name Institution Course Date Introduction Think back to one of your earliest memories, perhaps a memory of being frightened as a young child, or being delighted by a new experience or sensation. Why is it that we remember certain events in our life that are triggered by a deep or intense emotion, but we cannot remember what we had for lunch last Tuesday? The way in which we relate to the world is so heavily influenced by our memories, and in part by the emotions in which we felt when we experienced said event. If once as a teen you were nearly hit by a car when crossing a road, you future interactions with road crossings is probably going to be a slightly more heightened event than if you had never experienced such an event. The same phenomenon is evident in the way in which we learn also. If you had to write an English paper as a teen about the turbulent love story of Romeo and Juliet whilst experiencing a breakup with your high school sweetheart, the story will probably be attached in your memory forever, even more so because the emotions expressed in the story are very similar to what you yourself are experiencing. We have all had the experience of hearing a certain song or smelling a certain perfume whilst we are experiencing an intense, mind-rattling emotion- hearing said song in the future could be like reliving the entire event, physiologically and mentally. So why is it that we can recall events orShow MoreRelatedDeclarative Memory Essay1369 Words  | 6 Pages(2017) states, â€Å"Learning is the process by which we acquire new knowledge and skills; memory is the process by which we retain the knowledge and skills for the future†(p. 86, 87). A person has the ability to learn many things throughout his/her lifetime. Research states that a person can store unlimited amounts of information in forms of memory. Declarative and non-declarative are two different types of memory that people use to learn and grasp new concepts. Both of these types of memory are used inRead MoreThe Emotions Of The Brain Impacted By Emotions1337 Words  | 6 PagesAn emotion is described as, â€Å"a conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as a strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body†(Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Strong feelings of emotion, su ch as anger, love, fear, joy, hate, etc., impact parts of the brain, both positively and negatively, and how an individual learns. In regards to the parts of the brain impacted by emotions, the limbic system is made of sixRead MoreHow Powerful Emotions Affect Our Brain1411 Words  | 6 Pagesthese are all emotions that we could feel on a daily basis. In one quick flip of a switch one decision made by an emotion can send our world racing, whether it is good or bad, our lives can be changed forever. This is how powerful emotions can affect us; can you imagine how it can affect our learning abilities? The brain, although divided, works together connecting everything we take in and feel. Although our brain is divided into many different parts, each part plays an important role when it comesRead MoreExplain Two Effects of the Environment on Physiological Processes1351 Words  | 6 Pagesenvironment on physiological processes that will be discussed is brain plasticity. Brain plasticity is the brain’s ability to rearrange its connections with its neurons, that is, the changes that occur in the structure of the brain as a result of learning or experience (exposure to different environments). The changes that can take place are related to the challenges of the environment and thus represent an adaptation to it. 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Nerve impulses are generated by the gray matter which handles processing of the brain’s information, while white matter transfers brain information from one lobe to another and then out to the spinal cordRead MoreThe Amygdala And Reward By Dr. Scott G. Baxter1446 Words  | 6 PagesEmotions run the world: many buy the â€Å"perfect dress†to feel confident, others run for fun, and others sleep as their sadness increases. Thus, in a world where emotions lead, mankind struggles to reason. Dr. Mark G. Baxter, a neuroscientist at Harvard University, and Dr. Elisabeth A. Murray, a Senior Investigator at the National Institute of Mental Health, are perfect examples of why many professionals in the science and medical field should start t o investigate the amygdala, an â€Å"almond-shaped group
Friday, May 15, 2020
Democratic Deficit in the European Union - 1819 Words
â€Å"Most voters seem to take the opportunity to give the incumbent national government a ‘good kicking’ during European elections, as seen in the UK, Spain and France, rather than vote on a broad manifesto of ideas. This is fuelled further by MEPs campaigning on local issues rather than European ones.†This is an example of part of the democratic deficit in the European Parliament. To further show how there is a democratic deficit in the European Parliament I will explain how it is largely inaccessible to its European citizens and how the European Parliament lacks the power that it requires to resolve the problems in the Union. I will then describe some unsuccessful attempts at solutions and conclude with some possible future remedies.†¦show more content†¦The balance between these two branches differed from country to country. With the gradual development of the EEC, more and more areas of public policy were transferred from national governments to t he community with the result that the overall powers of the executives within member countries of the EU have increased while parliamentary powers have decreased. The main argument is that the parliament is too weak, while the council is too powerful. The executive branches, the Council and the Commission, â€Å"are not drawn from Parliament and are thus not accountable to it in the way it would be, for example, in the UK through a vote of no confidence. The two branches are completely separate, which can mean that there is not an effective check as there was meant to be. The Parliament is too weak to hold either of the executive branches to account, meaning that they can pass legislation without the consent of the Parliament, except when co-decision applies on matters pertaining to qualified majority voting in the Council.†Compared to many national and sub-national legislatures, the European Parliament has a relatively low profile. In the past, some scholars of the European Union judged it to be less important than other governing institutions of the Union. However, since the mid 1980’s the European Parliament has undergone many substantial changes, probably more than any other major European Union body. The Parliament’sShow MoreRelatedThe Democratic Deficit And The European Union2195 Words  | 9 PagesThe democratic deficit is a concept invoked in the argument that the European Union (EU) and its variety of bodies suffer from a lack of democracy and have become seen as isolated from the â€Å"ordinary citizen†as their methods of operation are extremely complex. Over the last two decades we have witnessed an almost continuously ongoing debate regarding the correct constitutional structure for Europe.[ Moravscik, A., (2002), â€Å"In the Defence of the Democratic Deficit: Reas sessing Legitimacy in the EuropeanRead MoreA Democratic Deficit Within The European Union Essay1423 Words  | 6 Pagesthe EU there is a democratic deficit, because there are extensive powers being accumulated by institutions that appear to lack a satisfactory level of legitimacy, are cogent. The question of is there a democratic deficit within the EU, despite having dominated many political debates since the 70s, is prominent in today s society now more than ever as a result of the UKs decision to leave the union, consequently causing the world to develop an growing interest in the European Union and its qualitiesRead MoreThe European Union s Democratic Deficit1771 Words  | 8 PagesThe European Union has greatly evolved over the decades since it has begun into a well-evolved quasi-state of over 28 countries, and over five hundred million citizens. The European Union has been regarded as a method to bring democratic stability and economic prosperity to less developed democracies in E ast and Central Europe. While the European Union has a mandate to bring all of these standards, the European Union lacks these basic standards for their overall institution. This structural problemRead MoreTackling The Democratic Deficit Between The European Union ( Eu )2859 Words  | 12 PagesThis essay seeks to identify, define and offer practical solutions to tackling the democratic deficit which in the European Union (EU). Apart from the economic issues plaguing the EU, which is most discussed topic, the issue of its democratic deficiency remains undebated. Democracy deficit in the EU in its ordinary meaning means that there is gap between the EU institutions and citizens in the member states of the EU. Recommendations have been put forward to bridge the gap between the EU’s institutionsRead MoreIs the EU Democratic?1411 Words  | 6 PagesThe European Union (EU), since the initial foundation in 1952 as the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and throughout periods of development, has been considered one of the most advanced forms of regional integration. It, based on numerous treaties and resolutions, has strived to promote values such as peace, cooperation or democracy, and in 2012 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for having â€Å"contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe†(NobelRead MoreDemocracy And The European Union1365 Words  | 6 PagesDemocracy in the European Union is as good as it could be. Nowadays democracy is sometimes assumed like pregnancy, in other words meaning that the democracy should be either present or not. However, there could be more or less democracy. In fact, much depends on what one believes should be in the scope of its definition. Furthermore, democracy is not easy to define as its boundaries are unclear. According to Oxford dictionary, democracy is a system of government in which individuals are involvedRead MoreIs the EU Democratic?1488 Words  | 6 PagesThe European Union (EU) is fundamentally democratic and is evident through its institutions, however, the current democratic electoral structure is of great concern. The EU is a new type of political system, often referred to as a sui generis, implying its uniqueness as there exists and a non comparable political body. The EU can neither regarded as a ‘state’ nor as an ‘international institution’ as it combines supranational as well as intergovernmental characteristics (Hix, 1999, p7). In this regardRead MoreEurope s Democratic Deficit : The Question Of Standards1290 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the sources examined in this paper was that of Giandomenico Majone’s article â€Å"Europe’s ‘Democratic Deficit’: The Question of Standards†. This article’s purpose was to factor in what definition was to be used for the democratic deficit. In this article Majone separates the two parties influenced by the democratic deficit: The European Community (EC) and the European Union (EU). The democratic deficit then that is used for this paper is taken strictly from the definition used by Majone, â€Å"TechnocraticRead MoreHow Democratic The European Union1645 Words  | 7 PagesT he following paper will address the question of how democratic the European Union is by analysing each of its institutions and the decision procedures in the European context. It will take into account the special role of the European Union as â€Å"a system of polycentric governance†(Garner, 2009: 230), and the complex relationships between its institutions and the institutions of its member countries. Hereby taking into account that the â€Å"EU can be characterized as ‘a system of network governance’Read MoreA Steady Retreat from Democracy and a Growing Involvement in the European Union1692 Words  | 7 PagesInvolvement in the European Union Heywood (2002) defines the ‘European idea’ as the belief that Europe ‘constitutes a single political community’ with shared objectives and difficulties despite its historical, linguistic and cultural differences. In the 20th century the European community essentially concerned itself with defence, peace keeping, and economic progress partly in response to the devastation caused by the Second World War. However, the European Union is increasingly
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership Style And Effective Leadership Styles - 986 Words
Group leadership refers to the processes of leading, influencing and motivating members of a group to become highly competent in achieving the goals or objectives of the group (Aritz and Robyn 73). Though the adoption and implementation of a relevant and effective leadership style, group leaders become effective in driving change through work groups and facilitating the achievement of organizational goals. Leaders play a wide range of roles in leading groups, such as motivating members, coordinating group activities, influencing positive behaviors among members and motivating productivity and innovation (Tabernero et al. 1393). The following sections presents a detailed analysis and discussion of the role of leadership style in group work and the most important leadership roles in work groups. The paper uses evidence to support the argument that group leaders must adopt effective leadership styles so that they can be successful in facilitating group activities and ensuring that membe rs of the group actively contribute towards the achievement of shared goals (Thompson 23). Leadership style refers to the specific behavior or characteristics that a leader exhibits in managing, guiding, directing and motivating a group of people within an organization (Kark and Dina 504). The leadership style that leader adopt and use to play their roles within a work group define their ability to inspire change of work behavior among group members. This means that an effective leadership styleShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles : Effective Leadership840 Words  | 4 PagesThis short paper examines effective leadership. Effective leadership may be outlined in many ways. Although exposed to several different leadership styles, I find that I respond best to a leader who believes in the works and theories of Confucius. According to McMahon, the Confucian leadership system believes that leadership is an emergent quality of the character that radiates and makes others want to follow, based on the respect and trust the leader generates (McMahon, 2010). I believe the newRead Mo rePersonal Leadership : An Effective Leadership Style1644 Words  | 7 PagesPERSONAL LEADERSHIP PORTRAIT Developing an effective leadership style requires one to become aware of their strengths and weakness when operating in the role of a servant leader. Identifying personal preference can assist with better aligning expectations and goals that one would like to see demonstrated in those they lead. Taking on the role as a servant leader requires patience, understanding, and most importantly compassion for others. As a servant leader he or she should always considerRead MoreLeadership Styles And Views On Effective Leadership1382 Words  | 6 Pagesdysfunction between Keller and Petrou is their differing leadership styles and views on effective leadership. This can be seen through both the first and second performance appraisals. In both meetings, Keller and Petrou quarreled over Petrou’s leadership style and ability, and the dispute ultimately led to revisions in the performance appraisals. Keller’s view on leadership line up best with a contingency and an implicit perspective of leadership. Throughout the case study, Keller emphasizes theRead MoreEffective And Ineffective Styles Of Leadership1676 Words  | 7 PagesPeople have always asked if there is any style of leadership that is most effective. Nevertheless, numerous theories and models have been created to show that there is no style of leadership that is the best. Rather, styles of leadership need to adjust depending on the variables such as the leader, the situation, the subordinate, the task, the environment and other factors. Paul Hersey, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and Dewey E. Johnson noted that if the leader’s style of behavior is appropriate or matchesRead MoreCharacteristics Of Effective Leadership Styles2010 Words  | 9 PagesCharacteristics of Effective Leadership Styles Presented to Perry Barton, Instructor MGMT-1115 Leadership By William Allen June 21, 2015 What are the effective leadership styles? More importantly what are the characteristics of these styles. This paper will discuss in detail three topics and how they relate to effective leadership styles. We will start by evaluating business situations to determine whether the leadership style is participative, autocratic, leadership gridRead MoreThe Adoption Of An Effective Leadership Style995 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The adoption of an effective leadership style is necessary to achieve Organizational goals and to enhance productively. According to Riaz, Haider, (2010), organizations are expected to carry out tasks with limited resource to the maximum level in order to maintain the competitive edge and sustain profitability position of the organization. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to adopt leadership styles with characteristics of motivating, directing and influencing employeesRead MoreLeadership Style : An Effective Leader861 Words  | 4 PagesLeadership Style An effective leader has many factors that enable them to be successful. Some of the key characteristics of an effective leader are passion, charisma, dependability, problem solver, communication skills, and multi-tasking abilities. Marquis and Huston (2015) describe four types of leadership styles; autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and bureaucratic. The autocratic leadership style deals more with acquiring control and accomplishing tasks rather than relationships (Marquis Read MoreLeadership Style And Effective Communication Essay1253 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership Style and Effective Communication in the Workplace Introduction Blanchard, Hersey Johnson (2015) introduced the concepts pertaining to leadership styles, self-awareness in Chapter 11, and effective communication in Chapter 12. The two main ideas that will be taken away from the lesson review involve the use of feedback, and active listening, which helps in essential communication within the organization and in one’s daily life. When it comes to choosing the right style of leadershipRead MoreEffective Leadership Styles in Buiness Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pages In the world of business, there are a number of effective leadership styles. Among them are autocratic, transactional, and transformational. Autocratic leadership is also known as authoritarian leadership. It is a leadership style characterized by individual control. Leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the team. Autocratic leaders typically make their decisions based on their own ideas and judgments’ and rarely accept advice from followers. Leaders provideRead MoreEffective Leadership Styles Within The Workplace1584 Words  | 7 PagesEffective leadership styles Abstract An effective leader influences their employees in a desired manner to achieve goals and objectives. Different leadership styles can affect an organization’s effectiveness and performance. The objective of this paper is to analyze the review of literature on various leadership styles over the past years and how effective and ineffective different leadership styles are in the workplace. Introduction A leader is defined as a person with responsibility to influence
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Is Survival Selfish Essay Example For Students
Is Survival Selfish Essay Category:MiscellaneousPaper Title:SurvivalText:SURVIVALDo you ever survive the effects of divorce? If you have experienced divorce,or knew someone that has, this is a question you will ask yourself. Ron andLilly were married for fifteen years and during the course of their marriage hadthree children ages 8, 10 and 12. Ron worked as a private attorney in a solopractice and Lilly worked in the home as a homemaker. Although Lilly worked inthe home, she had a Bachelors degree in early childhood development. She hadalways wanted to work outside of the home, but she and Ron felt that it was moreimportant to care for the children full time. When her husband announced that hewas leaving, she wasnt surprised that he didnt care for her the same way hedid when they first met, but she never dreamed he would leave her and thechildren. Ron packed his things the next day while the children were in school. Thechildren were not informed their parents were separating and one day woulddivorce. Lilly was left alone to deal with the emotional upheaval this wouldcause the children. When the children returned from school, they sensedimmediately something was wrong. They knew their parents were not getting alongand that their father was spending less time at home, however they never thoughtthis would happen. When their mother told them that their father would not beliving at home and that nothing else in their life would change, the childrenlooked with disbelief. The children started to cry, and Lilly as best as shecould, tried to console them. The lives of this family would never be the same. Ron never discussed with Lilly how the finances would be handled, or how muchmoney she would need for her and the children to live on. Because Lilly neverworked outside of the home, Ron was now having to manage two homes on oneincome. The children attended private school and were in several after schoolprograms that were very costly. The money Ron gave Lilly and the children, wasnot enough to pay the mortgage, utilities, car note, food, clothes and the dailyexpenses for the children. Ron and Lillys divorce caused severe financial and emotional instability oneveryone. Lilly and the children had to sell the home they lived in because theycould not afford the financial cost, or the upkeep that was needed to maintainthe home. Lilly and the children bought a much smaller home, in a not so greatneighborhood. Because of the move and lack of finances, the children had toattend public school and make new friends. The oldest started talking back toher mother, grades started to fall and she started hanging out with kids thatdidnt care if they went to school. The middle child started to isolate herselfand began to have nightmares about her parents dying. Surprisingly her gradesdidnt suffer. The youngest child cried at the drop of a hat, she just wantedher dad and couldnt understand why she didnt get to see him that often. Thethree children blamed their mother for everything and took all of theirmisplaced anger out on her. Because of Lillys financial dilemma, she was not able to afford she and thechildren counseling. Ron was becoming more and more delinquent in sendingalimony and child support for his family. Lilly was still trying to maintainbeing a stay at home mom although she realized the inevitable, she was notemotionally ready to go out in the work force. .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 , .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .postImageUrl , .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 , .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6:hover , .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6:visited , .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6:active { border:0!important; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6:active , .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6 .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u985c2e521a481bf3229da910b9d6a6c6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay about Missing Persons: The Media Bias to Report Only Pretty Blonde Girls EssayOne and one half years after the divorce, Lilly was forced to become apart ofthe working class single moms of the world, Lilly got a job as a first gradeteacher. This was an adjustmentfor the children, because they had depended on their mom for everything. Because Lilly was not able to be there for the children, Ron was forced to bemore responsible for the care of the children. Ron shared in the daily droppingoff and picking up the children. This also gave the children, the opportunity tospend extra time with their father, something that was missing in their life. Lilly and Ron began to work together with raising the children and the entirefamily started to receive counseling. The children began to accept the twohouseholds as well as their parents significant others. Lilly and Ron havelearned to work together in rasing their family although it is not always easy. The breakdown of a family affects the entire family in many ways that is notnoticed, but develops over a period of time. Children many times go through lifebelieving that there was something they did to cause the break up of theirparents, and always hope that their parents will get back together. Ronschildren felt neglected by him, unloved as well as feeling guilty about thereparents breakup. Because Lillys was not given an opportunity to work on theirproblems and improve communication, her self-esteem went completely down. Ronfelt bad, but was feeling very relieved that he made the decision to leave. Divorce can be liberating, depressing, frustrating, or traumatic to any personwho experiences it. Perhaps the most painful part on the process of divorce iswhen the children are involved and when they are made to choose sides. Ron andLilly minimized the trauma in their childrens lifes, by agreeing on where thechildren would live. Although the children experienced changes and went throughperiods of fear of not knowing what was going to happen. Today the childrenappear to be functioning very well and are doing well in school. If parentscant be caring, loving and respectful of each other, then they shouldnt staytogether. Children learn from their parents, how relationships should be conducted andwill handle their relationships as they see their parents. Since Ron and Lillysdivorce, their communication is better now then it was when they were married. The children witness their parents genuine concern for each another and mostimportantly for them. Ron, Lilly and the children appear to have taken the stepsfor survival during the process of the divorce, but as issues arise it isimportant that they are dealt with. It is important to think of the children when divorce takes place. Financesshould be resolved and if a parent should have to experience the lack offinances, it should not be the parent that has the children. If a childseconomic needs are being met, this may minimize the stress they experience whenone parent is absent. The important thing is not to change the childsstability, and lack of finances will cause an immediate change. Parents whethermarried or divorce, have a responsibility to secure a childs future, byproviding them with the emotional and economic support that is needed for themto become productive individuals of society. Children that come from divorceparents can be just as well rounded as children that come from married parents. This family appears to have adjusted to the change that was brought on by thedivorce. As long as the parents continue to work together, and do what is inthe best interest of the children, they will continue to survive. The girls arenow teenagers and their father has a close relationship with them. Contact withtheir father is very important at this age, because girls have a tendency toseek negative attention from boys. This is usually because they are trying tofill the emptiness from the lack of relationship with their father. I dont seethis happening, at least not for their fathers lack of attention. If there arelong term problems that do not surface now, and if it surfaces, it will do sowhen the children become adults. Hopefully, because of the manner in which theparents have handle the last five years, the children will be equipped to dealwith the problems through counseling. .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 , .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .postImageUrl , .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 , .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734:hover , .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734:visited , .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734:active { border:0!important; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734:active , .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734 .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaf36d03a1039e99964f21bef89b08734:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Double standard EssayMiscellaneous
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
If by Rudyard Kipling Essays
If by Rudyard Kipling Essays If by Rudyard Kipling Paper If by Rudyard Kipling Paper Essay Topic: Rudyard Kipling Poems ‘ If’ is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. The poem is aimed at advicing his son or any male on how to be a man, how to succed in life and in other owrds how to be the ‘ perfect man’ which is unattainable. Kipling himself knew that these tasks will be immpossible to meet up with fully, which is why I believe he named this poem ‘If’ rather than ‘How To Become A Man’. The main theme in this peom is about advicing a someone in a younger generation and teaching him moral. The theme and the structure are somehow entwined with each other. The more you decode one, the better you understand the other. ‘If’is a poem of 4 stanzas made up of 8 lines respectively. I think Kipling made the poem organised by arranging it into accurate parts to express becoming a man as a stage when your filthy habits are discarded and replaced with the habit of being prim and proper. The general shape of the poem is very uneven; lengths of lines vary from line to line. I believe this was done to show that life is not a straight road, there will be bends but you will surely get where you are going. As you read the poem, must peole might get the idea that if the do all these things then they won’t encounter any disasters. Because of this, Kipling arranged this poem unevenly to show that even though you may take his advice, life is still very unpredictable, and things may be harder than they seem. Kipling writes the whole poem in form of a question, continusiously repeating ‘if’ showing that there is doubt in his mind that this person will be able to live up to these tasks. If the person were to live up to this tasks, they have shown perseverance which is one of the themes of this poem. Kipling uses the word ‘if’ repeatedly to show the reader indirectly that you need to be determined inorder to be a man. The structure of each verse is almost regular with an eight line stanza of usually iambic pentameters, a regular rhyme scheme and a skilful use of repetition of lexis, syntax and prosody to reinforce the points being made. Majority of poem is structured around the use of the surbodinate clause ‘if’ the only exsemting the last 2 lines in the fourth stanza ‘Yours is the Earth and’ . The last 2 lines, unlike the rest of the poem is in form of a statement rather than a question. This shows and ending, a result of doing all these things being asked of him. A surbordinate clause cannot stand alone, in likewise manner becoming a man in unachieveable without attaining some of the characters listed in the poem. In the first stanza for example, we see how the whole poem is constructed and how balance is used to drive home the points being rasied in the poem. Most lines have an internal balance, the first line relies on the second for the conclusion. The poem is a dramatic monologue this shows that Kipling is saying because he has been there and expereicned things himself he knows better than his son, therefore he is in the right postion to advice him. There is no one else present in this peom, there it is not argumentative showing the reader that this is what you have to do to become a man. No questions asked. Compare this poem to another in the Anthology in the areas of Mood/Tone and Subject Matter. Express your views about the two authors’ attitudes in presenting the issues in their separate poems. I will be comaparing ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling to ‘Once Upon a Time’ by Gabriel Okara. ‘If’ is a poem aimed at Kipling’s son or in general to any growing young male. It expresses the values needed to become a man and advices on how to do so. ‘Once Upon a Time’ is a poem which is directed from a father to his son about the way the western values have influenced the cultures he was brought up with – the African culture. Both poems explore the concept of childhood, they both speak from the perspective of an older one, one who was expericened it first hand. These poems have quite similarities. One of the key similarities is the subject matter. ‘If’ is foucused at Kipling’s son in the same manner, ‘Once Upon a Time’ is aimed at his own son. Possessions Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Other Poets section.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Money Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Money Management - Essay Example Investing with exchange traded funds ETFs is an easy way to ensure diversification in any portfolio involving stock, bonds and commodities without having to invest in the individual shares, bonds and commodities themselves. They enable investors to access sectors that would not be available to individual investors (Morningstar 2014b). This takes some of the hassle out of investing. I am very adventurous and I tend to have a liking for the sea. Therefore, my aim is to own a yacht within the next seven (7) years. In order to achieve this specific goal I will be making some medium to long term investments so that I can make a substantial deposit on a new yacht in five (5) to seven (7) years time. The yacht is expected to cost in the range of  £300,000 to  £500,000 by the time I get to the point where I am able to make a substantial down payment. My risk tolerance is medium and so I am willing to take a moderate level of risk in order to achieve a favourable return on my investment. Costa (2011) indicates that the returns that I would achieve are proportional to the risk taken and so I expect moderate returns. My risk profile is consistent with a balanced profile. A balanced allocation has between 0% and 25% cash; 40% to 70% bonds; and 30% to 60% stocks (Costa 2011). This portfolio is characterised by limited risk; however, it can still obtain good returns because of the proportion of stocks that it contains. It is also consistent with the time horizon that I have in mind, which is five to seven years. I have a total of  £50,000 to invest and this will be invested in accordance with the guidelines provided in relation to a balanced risk profile (See Costa 2011). However, I would also like to include a commodity related ETF involving physical gold which is one of the best ways of maintaining asset value. The majority of my investment will take place through the use of exchange traded funds (ETFs). An ETF is an investment
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Electronic Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Electronic Arts - Essay Example The EA has a significant market share of sports and hero-based video games. The Electronic Art's core competence is its ability to develop high-quality sports and feature games and offer a fascinating gaming experience to the kids, teens, and young adults in many countries around the world. Concentration: Although there are relatively few large competitors in the worldwide video game industry, it is still a heavily saturated market. The high fixed costs of developing a new game lead to increasing competition among the game programmers for the additional unit sales. Product Differentiation: Attributable to EA's efforts to diversify its products from other video games, it has been able to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. They have a few areas in which true product differentiation exists - graphics, price, use of celebrities and licensed themes etc. Cost Conditions: due to the short product life and low customer price sensitivity the economies of scale do not have significant impact on the industry performance. Nevetherless, the learning curve effects are present. There is little threat of entry from companies outside of the video games market, however, within the market there is possible threat from manufacturers not yet fully established in the video games (i.e. manufacturers of game consoles), and even then there are significant barriers. Capital Requirements There are moderate capital requirements associated with entering the video games market as supplies can be outsourced and no major investment into R&D and equipment is needed. Access to Channels of Distribution The channel of distribution is another barrier to entry. This has to due to the fact that the retail channels are already saturated with a variety of competing products from established brands. In addition, there may be preference for distributors to sell products with higher margins or greater marketability and volume, making entry difficult. Threat of Substitutes/Complements Buyer propensity to substitute: There are very few other forms of entertainment that can be considered as direct substitutes for video games. However, within the video games market segment there are a number of substitutes because each manufacturer offers their own product range and the customers rarely have high brand loyalty. Complements: video games constitute a complementary good themselves with regard to the game consoles. Although the demand for them can not be considered purely derived, the video games market capacity does depend on the spread of the gaming devices. Bargaining Power of Buyers Price Sensitivity: the end customer perceives price as an indicator of quality and, therefore, is often price insensitive within certain price range. Concentration: Size of the end customer (i.e. consumer) is small and size of one purchase is small, so the end customer itself lacks the bargaining power. However, the wholesale distributors and retailers are bigger in size and their purchases have impact on the total amount of purchases, so they have also more
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay Example for Free
The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay The following essay will explore the character of Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. The idea of Dorian’s deteriorating morality will be emphasized in this essay and the juxtaposition of the character’s picture and his physical appearance will be a main component in the development of thesis of this essay. The theme of morality will be a major issue in this paper as it is through morality that Dorian has drastically declined into his stygian state. Oscar Wilde presents the reader with a very modern day novel, both in theme, place setting, and character development. The reader is introduced to Dorian Gray through Basil Hallward; the two characters are the crux of the novel’s actions. In fact the two characters, Basil and Dorian, although equally enthralled with each other at the start of the novel, become increasingly distance as the novel progresses and as Dorian finds himself in moral turpitude through the tutelage of Lord Henry Wotton Lord Henry looked at him. Yes, he was certainly wonderfully handsome, with his finely-curved scarlet lips, his frank blue eyes, his crisp gold hair. There was something in his face that made one trust him at once. All the candour of youth was there, as well as all youth’s passionate purity. One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the world. No wonder Basil Hallward worshipped him (Chapter Two). In the first exchange between Dorian and Lord Henry, the theme of the novel, that of youth and its disappearance, brings Dorian to curse his portrait because it will only be a reminder of how beautiful and young he once was, and with this curse it is revealed to the reader how important the aspect of youth is to Dorian whose sole belief in himself rests with this characteristic. Within the theme of youth is the ultimate curse of Dorian, for it is within this context that he becomes a doomed ‘hero’ and therefore loses his love, his life, and in the end of the story, his youth. Thus, the item which he once treasured becomes his downfall. It is with this curse that is Dorian’s lamenting of the portraits everlasting youth, that Dorian offers his soul in exchange for the portraits youth to be transferred to him while the portrait bears the brutality of Dorian’s life. In a type of Faustian decline, Lord Henry introduces Dorian into a very debilitating lifestyle in which Dorian becomes absolutely enthralled. This new lifestyle is full of carnal pleasures and Dorian dives into it headfirst, exercising no judgment only the thrill of the moment, without regret, remorse, or reason at times (Baker 1969). Although this may be considered to be Lord Henry’s influence, Dorian embraces this lifestyle with fervor. It is Dorian’s choice how he lives, and even though it may be considered to have been a type of brainwashing, Dorian latches onto the ideals presented by Lord Henry in that first conversation in Basil’s house. In fact, the reason that Basil had admired Dorian, at least according to Dorian, is because of his youth and beauty. Thus, Basil in the act of painting Dorian reiterates this theme. The support for this thesis runs consistent for most of the interactions among the characters in the novel. In one of the first examples the reader discovers of Dorian’s changing portrait is when Dorian falls in love with an actress by the name of Sibyl Vane. However, the plight of these two lovers is that Dorian falls in love with Sibyl because of her acting abilities; the twist is that since Sibyl has fallen in love with Dorian she no longer believes she can pretend to be in love on stage and thus quits her acting career (Wikipedia). After this event, Dorian rejects Sibyl and breaks off their engagement, â€Å"He flung himself down on the sofa, and turned away his face. â€Å"You have killed my love,†he muttered. †(Chapter Seven). This is when the audience and Dorian see the first changes in Dorian’s picture; his picture, once full of youth, beauty and a hopeful innocence, now sneers. This is the first sign of decline and it is not seen on Dorian’s picture perfect face but instead is relayed to the audience through the portraits physiognomy (Brown p. 264). After this realization that Dorian’s curse has come true, Dorian seeks to make retributions with his moral fortitude and to make amends with Sibyl. Despite this last ditch effort, or even of the one chance Dorian has in the course of the novel to make reprimands, Lord Henry tells Dorian that Sibyl has killed herself and that he, Dorian, should take the suicide as a type of artistic triumph. Thus, Dorian is urged to live without regret or worse, with no remorse for his actions and involvement in the young girl’s death Yet it was watching him, with its beautiful marred face and its cruel smile. Its bright hair gleamed in the early sunlight. Its blue eyes met his own. A sense of infinite pity, not for himself, but for the painted image of himself, came over him. It had altered already, and would alter more. Its gold would wither into grey. Its red and white roses would die. For every sin that he committed, a stain would fleck and wreck its fairness. But he would not sin. The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience. He would resist temptation. He would not see Lord Henry any moreâ€â€(End of Chapter Seven). From this point in the novel and onwards, there can be no rescue of Dorian since this is taken to be the crossroads of the story. If Dorian cannot succumb to change his carnal lifestyle at the suicide, which he aided in, of his love, then there seems to be no hope for the young man and the rest of the course of the plot is full of Dorian’s revolting moral character and the constant influence of Lord Henry, and the gentle if somewhat absent depictions of Dorian as seen through Basil’s eyes. The story is very much like Faust because it is at the climax of the carnal lifestyle and its full meaning that Dorian has a change of heart and repents, but it is not until after Dorian has had his carnal lifestyle that this penance is shown. Dorian is conscious of his changing moral character and in this light, he seeks to hide his portrait in an upper room of his house where only he may see the changing and aberrant images transforming Dorian’s physiognomy. The catch in the novel however is that in the eighteen years of Dorian’s interaction with London society on a debasing character, the elite of society continual to accept him, despite his moral character because Dorian remains young and beautiful. While the fight between Lord Henry and Basil has occurred in the early stages of the novel, and it is obvious that Lord Henry has won, Basil nevertheless goes to Dorian’s house to confront Dorian about his flagging reputation in London society. While at Dorian’s house however, Dorian decides to show Basil his portrait of Dorian, and thus, the artist is confronted with how Dorian’s soul has been distorted through almost two decades of immoral living. Basil however is not put off by this effrontery and still begs Dorian to change his ways. The reader however knows that the time for change would have been with Sibyl, and if Dorian cannot change his character after her suicide, then all hope is lost. Basil still persists, and in a fit of rage, against himself, and for Basil having witnessed the truth of Dorian’s soul, Dorian stabs Basil to death The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more than in his whole life he had ever loathed anything. He glanced wildly around. Something glimmered on the top of the painted chest that faced him. His eye fell on it. He knew what it was. It was a knife that he had brought up, some days before, to cut a piece of cord, and had forgotten to take away with him. He moved slowly towards it, passing Hallward as he did so. As soon as he got behind him, he seized it, and turned round. Hallward stirred in his chair as if he was going to rise. He rushed at him, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man’s head down on the table, and stabbing again and again (Chapter 13). Dorian’s goal in life now is to escape from guilt, which is a difficult task because only the guilty party has the ultimate power to induce remorse. After being confronted by Sibyl’s brother James Vane, and after James’ accidental death at a hunting party Dorian wishes to change his life. Dorian does not know how to repent his since without a complete confession of them and so fear causes him to be stagnant in his decision. In Dorian’s decision to confess his crimes, and yet not able to be plucky enough to do it, his portrait now reflects his intents to be hypocrisy. In this new vein of the story, Dorian, in yet another classic fit of rage, revenge, or helplessness, Dorian picks up the same knife he used to kill Basil and attacks his self-portrait. The story then goes to the third person narrative and the servants hear a loud crash and go to find out what the noise was, and when they open the door, the servants and the readers find that the portrait has been restored to its formal beauty and youth and that Dorian lies an old, disfigured man on the floor with a knife plunged into his heart. Thus, with Dorian’s final act of repentance, he is able to change that which he had cursed and traded his soul for in the beginning of Wilde’s story (Lawler Knott p. 390). This, as mentioned prior is the Faust aspect of the story, the change of heart of the protagonist after having fulfilled his pleasure and had his share of dark fun. Dorian’s character then consists of a youth who is innocence, then persuaded by Lord Henry to live only for pleasure, then after murdering Basil, and seeing his love’s brother killed, and after staring at the state of his soul in the portrait Dorian changes. It is this last that has the full affect on him; Dorian, faced with his true image, and the hate, jealousy, snide nature that has become him, becomes overwhelmed with truth and cannot believe the state of it, and thus, must cover up this last bit of evidence; he must kill himself. With this final act, the reader is faced with the ambiguous finding of whether or not through his actions Dorian was able to change what he had created through eighteen years of carnal pleasure seeking with his one act of retribution; stabbing his own self, after finally recognizing the evil that he had become. Is this guild-ridden remorse for fear of eternal damnation? No, it is in fact Dorian finally confronting his sins and paying the ultimate price for them by his own hand; and thus is his morality reversed in the act of the stabbing and the recognition of the symbolism of it through the human Dorian and the portrait changing their appearances. This proves that Wilde wrote this story in order for a degradation morality to have a chance of change, even at the last moment and failings of life. Dorian had thought himself beguiled by Basil’s own forceful praise of youth and then his introduction to Lord Henry who confirmed youth was the greatest prize; however, by the end of the story, Dorian has changed his morality into thinking that he is indeed responsible for his own actions through the course of his life and that with this responsibility and his owning of the action of stabbing himself, Dorian becomes purified and thus takes his true form. Work Cited Baker, H. A. Jr. A Tragedy of the Artist: The Picture of Dorian Gray. Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Dec. , 1969), pp. 349-355. Brown, R. D. Suetonius, Symonds, and Gibbon in The Picture of Dorian Gray Modern Language Notes, Vol. 71, No. 4 (Apr. , 1956), p. 264. Lawler, D. C. E. Knott. The Context of Invention: Suggested Origins of Dorian Gray Modern Philology, Vol. 73, No. 4, Part 1 (May, 1976), pp. 389-398. Wikipedia. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Online Accessed April 19, 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dorian_Gray. Wilde, O. The Picture of Dorian Gray Modern Library Classics, New York. 1998.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Aspire...To Be More Than Youre Worth Essay -- Literary Analysis
Multiple readings took place during the postmodern time period; they described ideas ranging from conceptual frameworks and ideologies to science and realism. The novel took place during the postmodernism era, yet it still strongly relates to today’s society. How humans interact with one another plays a huge role throughout this novel as; Camus exemplifies a haunting nineteenth century postmodern novel that expresses human emotions through his characters; making The Stranger one of the greatest pieces of literature for generations to come. Before writing his novel, The Stranger, Albert Camus became experienced in writing. The French novelist â€Å"†¦was born in Mondovi, Algeria, and was educated at the University of Algiers†(Olafson 1). After studying theater, Camus soon came to the realization he wanted to become a novelist. During the first few months out of college, Camus â€Å"†¦was active writing and producing plays for a theater group he had founded in Algiers. About the same time he began his career as a journalist, and in 1940 he moved to Paris†(Olafson 1). Producing plays set a respectable background for Camus; as this led him to become an improved writer and produce novels as well. Albert Camus began his literary frame â€Å"†¦in 1942 [with his first] novel, L’etranger (The Stranger)†(Olafson 1). This novel was one of Camus’s more famous pieces of work; it describes human battles as well as their aspirations. Throughout The Stranger, Camus uses worl d views of well-known philosophers; even â€Å"Though he was baptized, raised, and educated as a Catholic and invariably respectful towards the Church, Camus seems to have been a natural-born pagan†; therefore, the development of Christian literature and philosophy helped influence Cam... ...e Virtual Reference Library. Web. 2 May 2012. "Postmodernism." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr. 2nd ed. Vol. 6. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 395-397. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 2 May 2012. Boucher, Jean-Yves. "Camus, Albert." Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Ed. Robert Kastenbaum. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002. 87-88. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 2 May 2012. Camus, Albert. The Stranger. United Kingdom: Vintage International Books, 1988. Print. Danesi, Marcel. "Postmodernism." Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Ed. Carl Mitcham. Vol. 3. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 1462-1464. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 2 May 2012. Novels for Students. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski and Deborah A. Stanley. Vol. 6. Detroit: Gale, 1999. p276-296.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Kate Chopin “The story of an hour”
Kate Chopin, in her short-story `the story of an hour`, presents to the reader the frustration of a woman who is suppressed by her husband’s will. In `six feet of the country`, Nadine Gordimer shows how time changes a relationship between a husband and wife. Although both these stories do not have negative or villain characters, they have elements which show mundane difficulties of everyday life. Both the stories intricately depict the complexities in married life, arising out of restrictions in freedom and feeling of discontent in each other’s company. This may cause one to ponder that the evil does not necessarily lie in the minds of married people, but in the institution of marriage itself.When the main character Louise in `the story of an hour’ is informed of the death of her husband, the reader’s mind is conditioned to expect tremendous grief and sorrow. She rushes into her room with tears and locks herself up. However, after the initial shock, she fe els extremely free. She is relieved that she does not have to feel suppressed anymore. She gazes out of the window and looks forward to the simple joys of life. The start of spring season is meant to indicate the end of her stifling marriage and the dawn of a new beginning in her life. The line â€Å"And yet she loved him – sometimes†(Chopin 8) shows that her husband was not necessarily a bad person. She just wants to live for herself, without the kneeling down to the whim of her husband.Until that day, she feared how she was going to live a painfully long life of repression. But, now she hopes to live a long life to savor life and cherish her long-lost freedom. The phrase â€Å"A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime†(Chopin 8) goes to show that the bond of marriage causes one another to pose undue restrictions on each other’s personal freedoms. Louise is overjoyed with her new-found appreciation for life, but fate strik es back when her supposedly dead husband returns back without a scratch in his body. This eventually turns out to be one shock too many for Louise, as she suffers from a fatal heart attack. But, the doctor consoles everyone by saying that Louise’s heart was shocked by the happiness of seeing her husband alive. Feature Article – Short Story The Plane of the Sleeping BeautyIn `six feet of the country’, Nadine Gordimer tells the tale of a married white man in apartheid-stricken South Africa. The story revolves around a multitude of themes including a dysfunctional marriage, urban vs. town life, bureaucracy and racial oppression. The central character and his wife own a farm. He is really not good at farming and hence the wife takes care of the farm. The wife expects more of out of her husband and immediately expresses her disapproval when he fails to do so.The husband, on the other hand, feels inadequate and is not entirely satisfied with his career. But, he just continues to live his life filled with frequent disputes with his wife. He quite is critical of his wife being messy and says â€Å"I had come home and been infuriated to find her in a pair of filthy old sacks and her hair uncombed†(Gordimer 122), while the same did not seem too unattractive a few years back. This shows that marriages over time can get monotonous and boring.  Although this might seem quite a cynical view of life, it is an honest portrayal of the true nature of human beings.One night, a black immigrant boy dies of pneumonia. But, during the funeral, it is uncovered that a different body was handed-over to them, indicating bureaucratic lapses in the government. His wife compels him to be more helpful and communicative, which essentially goes against his true nature and will. Although he is reluctant to stand up against his own â€Å"race†, he represses his own will to please his wife and tries to help his black employees by petitioning against the administration but eventually gives up. The husband character feels helpless and disgusted not only at the bureaucratic system, but also at the system of marriage that keeps him tied down.Chopin uses symbolism as an effective tool to convey the protagonist’s deepest emotions. The phrase ‘comfortable, roomy armchair’ signifies that Louise has accepted the death of her husband and prepared to live a free life. The author also ends the story by sprinkling a dash of irony. When Louise comes out of the room after mourning the death of her husband, she walks out as a new person full of hope. But, the fact that her husband is still alive kills her dream of being free from the treachery of married of life. On the other hand, Gordimer uses metaphor effectively in `six feet of the country’. The main character says â€Å"she and Petrus both kept their eyes on me as I spoke, and, oddly for those moments they looked exactly alike.†(Gordimer 124) The eyes look alike to the husband because he feels regret and guilt for letting down his wife and his black employee.Both the stories emphasize the saying ‘Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy`. However, Chopin’s `the story of an hour’ gives a much deeper insight into a married person’s p syche and thus stands as stronger evidence for the aforementioned quote compared to `six feet of the country’ by Gordimer. Although the latter also has several elements describing marital problems, it tends to mainly focus on issues racial discrimination and other societal problems. Nonetheless, both the stories effectively show how a common man or woman is stifled by institutions such as marriage and societal pressures.Works CitedChopin, Kate. (1894). â€Å"The story of an Hour†. The International Story: An Anthology with Guidelines for Reading and Writing about Fiction.Gordimer, Nadine. (1986). â€Å"Six feet of the country.†Anthology of Short Stories.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Athletes And Professional Sports Athletes - 914 Words
Many professional sports athletes historically took steroids to enhance greatly their overall performance, to furnish them with a reasonable edge against their opposing team. Most of the trained athletes who took or are trying anabolic steroids, do not grasp the additional complications they are taking mentally and physically with on themselves. In that respect there comes consequences with taking steroids, particularly with getting caught, these matters can be a problem for the sports athletes trustworthiness, short term health problems, personal wellness, wrong case in point for America’s younger generation and America’s self image. Consequently for an athlete’s overall well being, engaging in illegal substance should not be his or her ideal priorities. To begin with athletes never should use steroids for the health and well being of his/her reputation. A great number of athletes today have been caught using steroids, and their reputations damaged together with imaginable hall of fame careers ruined. Such as Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds and Shawne Merriman. Lance Armstrong is a seven times Tour de France cross country cyclist champion and the most recent superstar to admit to using steroids. He knew he was wrong for using the substance and said in an interview: â€Å"It’s been well documented. I did not invent the culture, but I did not try to stop the culture, and that is my mistake, and that is what I have to be sorry for, and that isShow MoreRelatedThe Professional Athlete Of A Team Sport1934 Words  | 8 Pagesfirst major professional athlete of a team sport to come out as a homosexual. 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